Being Well-Informed Regarding Job Duties and Methodologies is Vital in Leading to Progression
Radhika Kapur

Dr. Radhika Kapur, Pedagogy and Organizational Culture in Nursery Schools, Delhi University, New Delhi, India. 

Manuscript received on 30 May 2022 | Revised Manuscript received on 04 June 2022 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 June 2022 | Manuscript published on 30 June 2022 | PP: 22-27 | Volume-1 Issue-4, June 2022 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijmcj.E109803050924 | DOI:10.54105/ijmcj.E1098.01040622

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Abstract: The individuals, belonging to all occupations need to be well-equipped in terms of job duties and methodologies. These are within personal and professional lives. In order to carry these out in a well-organized and satisfactory manner, one needs to be well-prepared. The different types of job duties are regarded as an integral part of the daily life routine. Hence, one needs to ensure, they are well-equipped in terms of ways of carrying these out satisfactorily. In other words, they will have to be well-equipped in terms of different types of methodologies and procedures. Furthermore, one needs to be well-informed in terms of traits of morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness. These are required to be put into operation in a well-ordered manner. As a consequence of doing well in one’s job duties, one will incur the feelings of pleasure and contentment. In this manner, one will be able to meet the expectations of individuals in leadership positions, i.e. educators, supervisors and employers. Furthermore, one willbe able to meet the expectations of family members as well. Therefore, it is well-understood, being well-informed regarding job duties and methodologies is vital in leading to progression. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning and significance of job duties and methodologies, areas where job duties and methodologies need to be implemented in an adequate manner and measures to be acknowledged in implementing job duties and methodologies in awell-organized manner.

Keywords: Goals, Individuals, Job Duties, Measures, Methodologies, Objectives, Progression, Well-organized Manner
Scope of the Article: Social Science